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这是全日制学生的课程形式,每学期16周. 欲了解更多有关此课程或兼职选择的信息,请致电585.594.6600 or email AGE-Admissions@maidin-china.com.

GEDU 5010 |策划、教学与评估| 3学分

本课程介绍教师如何开发课程, plan and deliver instruction, 并评估学生在包容性课堂环境中的学习情况. Students will create lesson and unit plans, identify and use various teaching strategies, monitor and adjust methods during instruction, and conduct informal and formal assessments. 学生将学会调整教学以满足学生的学习差异,并使教学与纽约州的学习标准保持一致.

GEDU 5011 |社会教育基础| 3学分|网络授课

拓展学生对学习环境的动机和管理的理解,超越课堂,关注教育的社会和文化背景. Considers the impact of poverty, race, class, and gender; formation of character; culturally-sensitive teaching; involvement of parents and community; collaboration with school and community; cultural diversity; beliefs and norms. 考虑CSE和教学支持团队在更广泛的社区背景下的作用. 包括与家庭和其他专业人员合作时使用的协作模式. 阐述了美国学校的历史发展和现状, 特别注意城市教育系统的发展. 介绍和批评学校法律和资金结构. 注意学校作为机构的作用的演变, the role of education in a democratic society, ethics in the context of education, and the meaning and importance of citizenship.

GEDU 5012 |特殊教育历史基础| 3学分|网络授课

本课程介绍了联邦和州法律法规中定义的特殊教育的历史基础和例外情况. Students will learn the historical perspective, definitions, etiology, characteristics, needs, 以及每个领域内卓越的服务交付系统. 学生将了解残疾学生的需求, 以及如何在通识教育课程中提供促进残疾学生参与和进步的教学, 符合纽约州对普通教育和特殊教育教师的要求. 将介绍个人教育计划(IEPs)的性质和要求,以及纽约州为残疾学生制定标准的方式.

GEDU 5014 | Language and Literacy I | 3 credits

为英语母语者和英语学习者(ELL)介绍语言习得和新兴读写能力。. 关注识字前的行为,涌现的识字能力,以及二年级的识字能力. Includes ELA standards, methods, and assessments, and the use of technology in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 教学生如何区分课堂教学. 学生收集关于学习阅读的数据,并对数据进行语义分析.

GEDU 5029 |包容性课堂中的数学教学| 3学分|网络授课

In early childhood and childhood classrooms, 孩子们发展解决问题和计算能力, 因此,教师必须在数学的内容和方法上有坚实的基础. In this course, 学生将发展计算和教学技能,以支持数学的指导和概念理解. 学生将探索和使用纽约州的数学标准来规划, teach, and assess for understanding. 教学和评估方法将考虑差异化和包容性的做法.

GEDU 5034 |幼儿课堂语言与读写能力| 3学分

本课程将侧重于从出生到二年级儿童的语言和读写能力学习.  Students will explore instructional strategies, developmentally appropriate materials and activities, 以及如何支持他们所照顾的孩子的家庭.  主题将包括映射认知和语言发展阶段, assessing students’ progress, 创建有效的识字课程,满足所有学生的需求.  Additionally, 学生将学会修改和适应针对英语学习者和发育迟缓儿童的教学. 美高梅mgm平台将探讨早期干预的重要性.

GEDU 5019 |学生行为与学习环境| 3学分|在线提供

探讨课堂管理和如何适应不同的课堂配置,以更有效地为有残疾和没有残疾的学习者. Includes co-teaching models; system-wide efforts to prevent violence and disruption; the self-contained classroom; and push-in, pull-out models. Features functional behavior assessment. Following their introduction to action research (see "Preparation for Research") students consider various research designs to support the evaluation of new approaches to managing the learning environment; students then collaborate on the design of an action research project focused on a management approach they find in the professional literature.

GEDU 5023 |包容性课堂评估| 3学分

通过诊断-规定性教学扩展学生的评估知识. 提供评估有特殊需要的儿童的技能和机会,然后在包容性课堂中所有内容领域的适当水平和适当顺序计划有效的教育活动.

GEDU 5026 | Master's Project | 3 credits

指导学生完成他们的硕士课程.Ed. 通过每周研讨会进行论文或课程设计, 辅以与选定读者的定期会面.

GEDU 5027 |儿童与青少年发展与学习| 3学分|在线授课

本课程旨在让学生对人类发展进行有意义的探索,并从产前经历到青春期学习. 学生将研究跨主要领域(物理, cognitive, social-emotional, and moral), the impact of context (familial, school, community, and culture) on development, and the construction of identity. 还将注意学习的理论和过程, and their implications for teaching. Throughout the course, 重点将放在利用学习者的知识和学习发展的证据, 发展相适应的教学实践日益多样化的课堂.

GEDU 5035 |幼儿课程与方法| 3学分

本课程包括从出生到7岁的幼儿的成长和发展的概述,重点是制定发展适当的做法, 包括玩耍以及与家人和照顾者合作的重要性. Topics include models of early childhood education, evaluation, working with community agencies, 以及纽约州下一代学习标准的包容性学前教育教室. 本课程还涉及教学过程的各个方面, 以及教学材料的准备和使用. Students will develop lesson and unit plans, teach a lesson, 并对他们的教学进行反思.

GEDU 5031 |教学与自适应技术| 3学分|在线授课

本课程探讨教学技术作为促进所有学生学习的工具. Students will explore the use of technology as "mind tools" to stimulate and engage student interest and participation in learning; students also consider the use of technology and adaptive technology to scaffold learning for all students. The class features hands-on with hardware, software, and networks that are typical in today's schools, including Smart boards, cameras, data projectors, office packages, content-specific software, 基于web的查询和协作多媒体项目. 学生将考虑新兴技术的问题和机会, 强调媒体素养和利用技术进一步提高素养的机会. Using research methods they have learned, 学生收集数据并分析结果,以进一步了解技术的影响.

GEDU 6001 | Capstone Seminar | 2 credits

这是每周一次的研讨会,伴随着学生的教学, 学生和主要教师通过解决问题的方式解决学生教学中出现的问题, role-playing, and situational analysis. An important goal is relating theory to practice. 此外,该课程使用学生的作品集来设定学生在教学过程中的成长目标. 在课程开始和每次实习结束后, students reflect (in writing) on their development as teachers and special educators; these student reflections become part of the student's portfolio. 学生和教师制定一个标准来为他们的作品集评分, using professional norms as categories. Topical instruction throughout the semester is rotated among the cohort team; topics include adapting instruction for students with disabilities; knowledge of and teaching in all content areas; managing the classroom environment; integration of technology; school law; school culture; professional ethics and demeanor; reflective practice; the portfolio; the job search. 该团队还与学生教学主管协商,以确保每个学生在所有重点领域都表现出优势.

GEDU 6004 | Student Teaching | 7 credits

学生将完成有监督的学生教学经验,使他们能够在幼儿环境中工作,在持有适当证书的教师的监督下工作,并由美高梅mgm平台的教职员工监督. 实习教师参与策划和教学,责任越来越重. In the accompanying weekly seminar, student teachers engage in reflective, self-evaluative discussions of teaching experiences.

Total credits: 45


  • 实习经验要求|学生必须完成150小时的实习
  • SAVE | Mandatory Workshop
  • Child Abuse | Mandatory Workshop
  • DASA -所有学生的尊严|必修工作坊
  • Autism Workshop | Mandatory Workshop
  • EAS | Educating All Students Test
  • CST | Content Specialty Test
  • SWD | Students with Disabilities
  • Teacher Performance Assessment
  • Student Teaching Practicum | 14 Weeks

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Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) - AGE-Admissions@maidin-china.com